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Craft Corner


Makers gonna make.....

The idea of taking some raw materials with some imagination, time and effort and turning it to something unique and special has always fascinated me. There is always great value for things made by hand and personalized.

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Staying away from my hometown of Chennai, India , I find ways to keep in touch with my roots and share it with my son and daughter. 

Navarathri/ Golu is a 
festive to display dolls and figurines in South India during the autumn festive season. The stories that come with each display and the wide range to imagine and create new diplays every year to share with friends give me so much satisfication.



Food is the ingredient that ties family memories together.

I am not a great cook, but the idea of trying new recipes and having it appreciated and enjoyed by the loved ones is a great feeling. 

The joy of preserving a family recipe or even making it my own provides great pleasure

© 2018 by Veena Loksingh

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